Mycologue 🍄

A 3D catalogue of mushrooms

What is it?

Mycologue is a modern version of a mushroom identification book: an online platform to gather high-resolution models of mushroom species in 3D, including the environment in which they naturally grow. The mission is to improve accessibility to mushroom identification and education by providing an expansive, three-dimensional catalog of mushrooms, enriching the learning experience and understanding of these organisms.

Why does it exist?

Traditional methods of mushroom identification often rely on static images and limited perspectives, hindering comprehensive learning. Mycologue transcends these constraints by offering a dynamic platform where users can explore an extensive array of mushroom specimens in their natural habitats, from every angle and scale imaginable.

Who is this for?

Mycologue is for anyone interested in learning more about the world of mushrooms, wildlife foraging, and preservation. It is also for anyone looking to create virtual environments with highly realistic renditions of mushroom features.

How was this made?

The foundation of Mycologue was laid during an artist residency in Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island, in October 2023, where I developed a robust 3D capture protocol using photogrammetry techniques. By capturing pictures of mushrooms with a phone camera and an SLR camera both in their natural habitat and then in the studio, I was able to create 3D models that could represent all the essential features of mushrooms, such as their relationship to the environment or their physical internal and external structure.

The initial version of Mycologue was released in October 2023 and featured 22 specimens from 8 different species from Vancouver Island. This initial attempt showed results that were sufficient to validate the viability of the project.

Big thanks to my friends Ben and Celia at Forest for Dinner for taking me on foraging trips, which allowed me to capture a wide variety of mushroom species while on Vancouver Island.

Another big thanks to Brad Necyk at A Position on Retreat for welcoming me into their beautiful blue house in Lake Cowichan.

What are the future plans?

While the initial version showed satisfying results, there were many learnings that will help empower the evolution of the capture protocol, such as using proper hardware to increase the capture speed, quality, and consistency.

Plans for Fall 2024

  • Acquire professional photography hardware
  • Capture psilocybin mushroom species
  • Go on foraging trips across in the Pacific Northwest
  • Finalize the capture protocol and open the platform to community

Who is creating this?

As of August 2024, Lionel Ringenbach, aka Ucodia, is the only member creating and developing Mycologue. You can learn more about him at Ucodia's Space.

Want to fund the project? Want to help in other ways?

Mycologue is currently looking for funding to acquire hardware and finance the foraging trips required to expand the catalogue.

If you would like to fund the project or help directly, please reach out to